Thursday, 14 September 2017

Cleaning Your Soft Carpets At Home

You know you’ve made a great investment by choosing that soft silk carpet that you’ve always wanted for so long. But does that mean your investments end here? I don’t think so because maintaining carpets and rugs is an investment in its own right and nobody can do it more thoroughly and dedicatedly than you. Well, of course you have some really sought after professional carpet cleaning companies to hire in NYC but then this is for when you want to take the initiative yourself.

You want your new carpets to last for years. You can do that with the right care and maintenance. Any reputed Carpet Cleaning Company in NYC would recommend you to do the following in order to do what you intend to do. That is keeping them beautiful and clean for years. What many of us don’t realize is that cleaning our carpets on our own is much easier than we think. All it is going to take is the right vacuum cleaner, the most effective and if you want organic cleaning products, and just a little know-how. You can start with the following:

·        Make sure to always treat the affected area immediately after a spill has happened. Remember, the longer the stain or the spill sits on your soft wool or silken carpet, the harder it is going to be to remove it.
·        We are very afraid of food spills. Start by gently removing as much solid or semi solid material or gravy as possible. You can use a knife or a spoon for the purpose.
·        Now you can add water on the affected area and blot the stain out. You can use a mild detergent sparingly if required.
·        Do not forget the power of your vacuum cleaner. Setting it at its highest suction function and vacuuming the stain back and forth will remove a lot of the spill from its fibers. You can also add more water to the affected area as you go about it until your carpet is completely clean.

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